Saturday, July 10, 2010

I wanted to start a movie review blog

Well, its summertime. And generally that means lots of big blockbuster movies with lots of big blockbuster explosions and special effects. This summer has started and gone about halfway through with plenty of blockbuster movies, and they are true to form by offering blockbuster-sized explosions and special effects. We all know that the motion picture industry started as a business attempting to entertain people in exchange for money. Therefore most films that are released into the local movie theaters (art theaters excluded) are meant to draw in as much box office revenue as possible. And most times, one has to take into consideration if a movie is worth the price of admission, the price of a rental, or the price of valuable time in general. There have been plenty of times that I've watched a movie knowing it would be bad purely out of curiosity. When something comes on television, you avoid the price of admission or rental, so why not? Well sometimes, I have regretted my decision to watch something even on television. One instance that comes to mind was Frank Miller's The Spirit. Frank Miller should have ruined one of his works instead of Wil Eisner's classic character. I couldn't even finish the movie (if it even deserves that distinction).

Overall, I want to start reviewing movies I am seeing in movie theaters (which aren't many) and give them a score that is on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning don't endorse this film with your hard earned movie goer money and 5 being worth the time and effort to watch it, even warranting repeat viewings.

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